Monday, October 8, 2012

Words of Wisdom... after a life's long and dark storm

True that. As they say, "live life as if it's your last. Time is really precious. Spend it full of love and compassion.
TRUE. maybe that's why it's called a keepsake. lol!

TRUE. Tupac Shakur is right, the sun will always shine after the rain. It's not always happy, it's not always sad. Life is a constant change. But remember, it will always be brighter. Just give yourself a chance - start with a gentle push.. :)

I really like Oprah, she's such a positive person, always grounded even on top of her success. Someone to look up too. 

True again. Everyday, there's always something, someone to be thankful even those people who hates you - thank the universe for sending them to you. Because through them, we became stronger and worth loving for.



quotes are from google. to the original people who posted these quotes on google thank you. :) credits are for you.