How do we choose? As human nature, it still involve feelings and our emotions. Sometimes our feelings and our emotions conflicts us, other times they click. But if we choose with our hearts, that is through love, we definitely have made our best choices. Feelings and emotions deceives us, our hearts don't. One reality check is choosing between our heart's desires versus our own desires. We may love something or say love somebody but that person doesn't have the criteria that we have set for ourselves or she doesn't have the means that our parents and friends are expecting you to have. The tendency is to forget our heart's desires and continue to struggle with our feelings and emotions just to satisfy our own set of standards and other's expectations of you. We, most of the time live through people's expectations, the reason why it is hard for us to choose. We don't care about ourselves but we care more on other's perspectives on us. You know we only live once on this earth so we should choose on what our hearts are saying and should not be based on our feelings and emotions. Because most of the time our feelings and emotions are the results of the outside force, that is based on other people's ideas and expectations on us and not based on our heart's desires.
First Month of 2015
New year had kicked off? Do you have any resolutions or new goals? Or do
you have the same goal from last year? Most of the posts I see on Instagram
today ...