Sunday, November 29, 2009

Everything Has Its Time

I've been needed God my whole life but lately I really need Him so badly. I don't know what my life would be if I won't call Him the moment I'm in trouble. Life is always a mystery, we don't know what will happen next. We all have some regrets in our lives and sometimes it's just hard to forgive ourselves why we did this or why we didn't do that. Last night, I've prayed to God to give me enlightenment; He handed me the Bible, as I opened it I saw this scripture reading, Everything Has Its Time, from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. It goes like this:
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

... a time to be born, and a time to die;
... a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
... a time to kill, and a time to heal;
... a time to break down, and a time to build up;
... a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
... a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
... a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
... a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
... a time to seek, and a time to lose;
... a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
... a time to tear, and a time to sew;
... a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
... a time to love, and a time to hate;
... a time for war, and a time for peace."

Everything has its own time, if we trust in God; all will be in its perfect place and harmony. We just need patience and trust in Him.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Beautiful Heart

There are people who were born to have a beautiful heart. They seem to be fragile, naive, introvert, afraid and all those kinds of adjective. I think judging a person by how they look or by how their hearts easily melt is unfair and shouldn't be justified on our own judgments. As most of the poets says the most fragile person you knew she/he was is by far the strongest person you'll ever know.

In the movies or mostly in television series (teleseries), the main character has the most beautiful heart. They would be unjustly judge, treated unfairly and so on and so forth. But these justifications are nothing compared to the faith she/he has in herself/himself. In fact they were like a fertilizer to her/him helping her every step to be stronger and an achiever. She was not discouraged nor condemns the people who have been condemning her. In the end of each movie the main character ends up being a winner and the most successful.

What about you? Have you examined yourself lately? Our modern world has forgotten the true meaning of being beautiful. People today will more likely judge each person on how they look, how much money do they have, how many possessions and so on. It's all about material things which is so sad. Once I asked somebody close to me how would he choose someone he would marry; he said somebody with a beautiful heart. But now I am not sure if he still has that philosophy because I could see he's been carried away from the world's possession. Now money and wealth are more important to him than what he truly feels inside. I mean money is good but if we put money before God and before ourselves, there is something wrong with that. As the 10 Commandments have stated as the first; "You shall have no gods before me." Clearly we should be reading the Ten Commandments more often and practice it in our daily lives (oh yeah, sometimes I stumble too and have to go get back up again). The only difference now is I became closer to God. What I'm trying to say here is if we see or know someone who has money and power he/she becomes beautiful into our eyes. So with physical appearance. Our modern minds are deceived with physical appearance, money and power. Having a beautiful heart is not important anymore. It's hard to neither admit nor believe but clearly that is what happening nowadays.
I want to share a beautiful scripture from the book of Sirach 11:1-3; The Deceptiveness of Appearances. "The wisdom of the humble lifts their heads high, and seats them among the great. Do not praise individuals for their good looks, or loathe anyone because of appearance alone. The bee is small among flying creatures, but what it produces is the best of sweet things.
Yes indeed, a beautiful heart produces the best of sweet things.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Perfect Hideaway

When I was a student I only go to the library if I needed to do a research. You can never see me there hanging out. For me a library is so dull, boring and I couldn't even breathe because it is so quiet. I would rather read in a coffee shop or in a park or better yet my study area in my bedroom. I really never enjoyed going in the library.

But now that I am working and I don't need to go to the library, I have discovered that there are a lot precious things it could offer. It is not just a study area or for research but it has everything. I borrowed good books from my favorite authors such as Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki, DVD's even the latest movie, the Twilight, I could get it without spending my money; I could use the internet if I'm bored surfing here at home. I'm not even buying magazines anymore; I'll just go there since it has a lot of selections whether it is a fashion mags or business mags. It also has music selections. I also discovered that I am a pretty good painter, ehemm... thanks to the guidebook I've borrowed. I also met new friends. Pretty amazing huh!

There are times when I needed to be on my own or say I need to have a quiet time I will go there to find my own. When I feel lonely and alone I go there too and read a good book or my prayer book plus in there I could see a lot of people which makes me feel that I am not alone. Sometimes I will go and pretend that I am reading when in fact I am observing people's emotions or their actions. Sounds weird but I find it phenomenal because by observing people's actions it makes me differentiate and I tend to categorize them as lonely, happy and etc... This by the way makes my neocortex working. *neocortex is a region of the brain where thought or reason is being processed, it serves as the center of higher mental functions for humans.

For many reasons I think I find a perfect getaway; I don't need to spend a lot plus I do have time to rediscover things that I have which I forgot I have and discover things that I have which I don't know I have.

A library for me before was a boring place but now it has changed into a place of pretty amazing discoveries.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Want To Be

I want to be your moon,
To give you light at dark;

I want to be your star,
To give everything you wish for;

I want to be your sun,
To give you sunshine on a gloomy day;

I want to be your comet,
To destroy the fears you have inside;

I want to be your air,
To give you oxygen to breath;

I want to be your food,
To sustain your energy in everyday;

I want to be your water,
To remind you that life is flowing clear;

I want to be your book,
For you to read what I have in mind;

I want to be your eagle,
To give you a strong lift anywhere you wanted to soar;

I want to be your angel,
To guide you and protect you from danger;

I want to be your lover,
To love you and to be loved by you;

I want to visit the heavens,
And ask God to give you as my eternity.